Commercial agents – Tips for inspecting properties for sale or lease

With regard to the inspection of a commercial property today, it is essential that you can collect all the information on the property, the activity of the property and the local property. All of these factors may have a significant impact on how the subject property is used and marketed.

In anticipation of the inspection of the property, the following information will be useful:

Get plans and drawings for improvements as built on the property. These plans should give you an idea of ​​the age of property and the original configuration during the first construction. If the property looks different today, some modifications have taken place and it is up to you to ensure that appropriate construction and construction approvals have been obtained. Marketing A property that is not legally approved for configuration or use can currently result in significant problems in the sales and settlement process. The due diligence process undertaken by a real estate buyer prior to the regulation will generally find discrepancies for the construction approval. The local administration of the construction authorities or planning approvals would have given their consent to any legal change in the property. The owner can have knowledge here, but always make your own requests to the planning office in addition to what the owner tells you.

The title of the property will give you an idea of ​​where the borders are. Ask the owner of the limits of the property and potential encroachments that may exist. If you have any doubts regarding the limits of the property, it is better to get a real estate surveyor to iron the limit points. As part of the process, you can also talk to adjacent owners for commentary on the local area and the problems of relationship between properties through the limits.

Services and facilities to the property will be important for buyers and real estate tenants. In many cases, you can identify the services provided to the property easily easily, although additional details and information can be necessary; This is the case of energy capacity and the supply of the power grid in the street. This is completely relevant for industrial tenants or building occupants requiring larger energy levels for manufacturing.

Ask for special factors such as environmental issues, heritage problems and energy consumption. These three questions are important challenges for owners and occupants today. Compliance or legislation issues within each category may affect how the property is used or occupied. If in doubt, visit the power of local property to understand these things and obtain written evidence of the question in question. The written evidence can then be provided to investigate buyers or tenants, as the case may be.

These are some of the essential things to seek in the preparation for the inspection of a commercial, industrial or retail property. When you have this accurate information, you can inspect the property in question effectively and fully understand compliance and legislation issues that apply. The final result is a better list for you to take on the market.